Gainful Employment Certificate Programs and 准备许可的程序

本网页符合联邦准则,发布有关可导致有酬就业的项目(通用电气项目)的摘要信息。, 包括:一个项目的总成本, 完成的平均时间长度, 以及竣工时的平均债务数额.

本页也符合联邦指导方针,以披露一个程序是否符合专业执照的任何要求, certification or the related exam and for which states those requirements are met. 

虽然此页定期更新, 有些信息可能不适用于较新的项目或毕业生人数较少的项目.

The certificate programs listed here are currently not eligible for federal aid unless taken during concurrent completion of a master’s program.



这个项目将花费大约20美元,900 - $23,750英镑的学费/杂费, 如果在预期时间内完成. 学生可能会产生与课程间接相关的额外费用(生活费), transportation, etc.).


课程长度: Five semesters

总学时: 22-25
门诊值班时间: 512


  • NURS 7381 – NP Roles
  • NURS 7480 – FNP I: Primary Care of Adults (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
  • NURS 7482 – FNP II: Primary Care of Adults (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
  • NURS 7288 -临床技能研讨会
  • NURS 7450 -综合行为健康
  • NURS 7484 – FNP III: Primary Care of Adults (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions
  • NURS 7486 – FNP IV: Primary Care of Adults (Diagnosis and Management) with Chronic and Acute Conditions

Program does not meet licensure requirements in the following states: Texas**


*由于这个项目是最近才成立的, there are currently fewer than ten students who have earned certificates. Student loan, 一旦有足够数量的学生完成课程,将提供毕业和就业数据.

**Program only offered to those who are currently licensed to practice nursing. 完成该证书将使个人能够测试FNP证书,该证书将添加到他们的许可证中.



该计划将花费大约18美元,050 - $20,900美元的学费, 如果在预期时间内完成. 学生可能会产生与课程间接相关的额外费用(生活费), transportation, etc.)


课程长度: Five semesters

总学时: 19-22
门诊值班时间: 512


  • NURS 7381 – NP Roles
  • NURS 7333 – Psychopharmacology for the Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
  • NURS 7447 -个人、家庭及团体心理治疗
  • NURS 7410 - PMHNP I:诊断和管理
  • NURS 7414 - PMHNP II:诊断和管理
  • NURS 7418 - PMHNP III:诊断和管理

Program does not meet licensure requirements in the following States:


*由于这个项目是最近才成立的, there are currently fewer than ten students who have earned certificates. Student loan, 一旦有足够数量的学生完成课程,将提供毕业和就业数据.

**Program only offered to those who are currently licensed to practice nursing. 完成该证书将使个人能够测试PMHNP的证书,该证书将添加到他们的许可证中.


The Graduate Certificate in Criminal Justice Leadership program will cost approximately $12,000 in tuition/fees, if completed within the expected time. 学生可能会产生与课程间接相关的额外费用(生活费), transportation, etc.)


课程长度: 1-2 semesters

总学时: 12


  • CRIJ 6301 – The Psychology of Criminal Justice Leadership
  • CRIJ 6302 -管理争议:领导的勇气
  • CRIJ 6303 – Ethical Decision Making: Understanding Biases and Public Perception
  • CRIJ 6304 – Assessing Crime, Criminal Justice and the Community

The following states do not have licensing requirements for this profession:


*由于这个项目是最近才成立的, there are currently fewer than ten students who have earned certificates. Student loan, 一旦有足够数量的学生完成课程,将提供毕业和就业数据.


The Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Administration program will cost approximately $18,000 in tuition/fees, 如果在预期时间内完成. 学生可能会产生与课程间接相关的额外费用(生活费), transportation, etc.)


课程长度: Two semesters

总学时: 18


  • HADM 6305 -医疗保健财务I
  • HADM 6306 -医疗保健财务II
  • HADM 6330 -医疗保健中的法律和道德问题
  • HADM 6340 – Quality and Continuous Improvement in Healthcare Organizations
  • HADM 6360 -管理医疗保健组织


  • ADMN 6375 -策略规划及政策
  • HADM 6375 -保健方面的战略规划和政策

The following states do not have licensing requirements for this profession:


*由于这个项目是最近才成立的, there are currently fewer than ten students who have earned certificates. Student loan, 一旦有足够数量的学生完成课程,将提供毕业和就业数据.


The Graduate Certificate in Organizational Development program will cost approximately $11,520 in tuition/fees, if completed within the expected time. 学生可能会产生与课程间接相关的额外费用(生活费), transportation, etc.)

这个项目的平均学生债务(对于那些在预期时间内完成的学生)是N/A. *

课程长度: 1-2 semesters

总学时: 12


  • ORGD 6330 – Foundations of Organizational Research and Assessment
  • ORGD 6340 -组织咨询
  • ORGD 6351 -组织发展基础
  • ORGD 6352 -组织发展中的干预措施

The following states do not have licensing requirements for this profession:


*由于这个项目是最近才成立的, there are currently fewer than ten students who have earned certificates. Student loan, 一旦有足够数量的学生完成课程,将提供毕业和就业数据.



The 30-hour 理学硕士在会计(MSA)计划 为毕业生提供德克萨斯州公共会计委员会要求的证书,以参加国家注册会计师执照考试.

The 运动训练理学硕士(MSAT) 该计划包括课程学习和临床经验的结合,为毕业生参加国家认证委员会(BOC)考试做准备. 通过国家考试,运动教练就有资格在任何一个州获得执照.

The 德利本教育学院 offers an opportunity to earn an undergraduate degree and 德州教师资格证. 追求未来的学生 小学教学 earn a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (B.A.) with a reading minor and an optional special education minor. 学生选择 secondary-level teaching or all-level teaching will major in their chosen discipline and minor in education.

These programs do not lead to certification in any other state.

The 室内设计专业美术学士 符合参加全国室内设计资格考试(NCIDQ考试)的学历要求。. For more information about NCIDQ Exam eligibility visit the Council for Interior Design Qualification's website. The exam is not required to serve as an interior designer in the U.S.

However, 考试是必须的 当室内设计师申请更高的标准成为注册或认证室内设计师时(取决于州). In order to be a Registered Interior Designer in Texas, an interior designer must graduate from a CIDA accredited school like UIW and pass the NCIDQ.

获得他们的 骨科医生(DO) 从UIW毕业的学生将完成学术和国家考试,为他们获得在德克萨斯州行医的培训执照做准备, but only under the supervision of a fully licensed physician, in a residency program in their chosen specialty. (Many states limit the number of attempts a learner may take to pass the national exams, and failure to fall within their guideline on a number of failures allowed, will result in failure to obtain licensure in that state.)

The duration of this training varies from three years for Family Medicine, 内科医学, and Pediatrics, 到外科手术五年, Orthopedics, 以及妇产科, 神经外科七年. 医师必须成功完成他们的住院医师实习期,才能在他们的专业领域获得委员会认证. 而有些州允许医生在经过一到两年的住院医师培训后获得执照, 在21世纪,没有住院医师培训和委员会认证的医生很难行医.

完成 音乐治疗学士学位 are eligible to sit for the national examination offered by the 音乐治疗师认证委员会. 成功完成独立管理考试的音乐治疗师可获得“音乐治疗师委员会认证”证书(MT-BC)。. That credential qualifies them to serve as a music therapist in all states.

The 核医学技术 学士学位课程为毕业生准备由核医学技术认证委员会(NMTCB)或美国放射技师登记处(ARRT)举办的国家认证考试。. Passing either of these exams qualifies the graduate to work in any state. 有些州还要求有州执照. 一旦获得国家认证,毕业生可以申请在任何选择的州工作的州执照.

顺利完成四年学业 护理学学士 degree, 毕业生将有资格参加国家NCLEX-RN考试并完成注册护士(RN)许可程序. Passing the national exam qualifies the RN to apply for licensure in any state.

在完成 营养与营养学教学计划 (DPD), a student becomes eligible to apply to an Accredited Dietetic Internship program. 成功完成DPD和营养学实习的学生有资格参加营养学注册委员会(CDR)资格考试,成为美国的注册营养师(RDN). Students must apply and be accepted into the DPD program at UIW. 本科学生在完成营养学学士学位的营养和营养学课程的同时完成教学要求.

验光医生(O ..D.) program prepares graduates to complete the national and Texas licensing requirements. The 全国验光考试委员会 (NBEO)提供全国测试. While each state has their own requirements for licensure, the UIWRSO program prepares graduates to be eligible for those.  以下链接提供了国家验光考试委员会(NBEO)网站上的直接信息 各州的许可要求.

药学博士(PharmD) 完成相当于四年制专业学位课程后授予学位. 获得药学博士学位的学生还必须通过北美药剂师执照考试(NAPLEX)和州法律考试,以便从事专业实践.  

The UIW PharmD program prepares students to sit for the Texas state law examination. 目前还不确定该计划是否为学生准备其他州的法律要求.

In addition to having successfully completed UIW's entry level 物理治疗博士项目, physical therapists must pass the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) governed by the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT). 他们还必须遵守个人规定 州执照委员会要求.

Doctor of Physical Therapy graduates can sit for the NPTE four (4) times each year (January, April, July, and October). 他们必须在参加考试之前向他们打算工作的国家提出申请并获得批准.