Dr. 大卫·坎波斯

Dr. 大卫·坎波斯

教授 Office Location: GB Suite 124, Room 121 电话: (210) 283-5029
Dr. 大卫·坎波斯 began his career in education nearly 25 years ago when he started teaching second grade. He later entered graduate school, taught ESL, and worked in corporate training and development. 他获得了博士学位.D. from The University of 德州 at Austin, specializing in learning disabilities and behavior disorders. 在威斯康星大学期间, he has supervised student teachers and taught undergraduate and graduate courses in special education, 多元文化教育, and instructional design and delivery.

Concentration: Learning Disabilities and Behavior Disorders
The University of 德州 at Austin

Concentration: Multicultural Special 教育
The University of 德州 at Austin

Concentration: Elementary 教育, Math
The University of 德州 at Austin

  • 坎波斯,D., & 时尚,K.M. (2021). Positive behavioral strategies for young children with autism: Practical ideas for the classroom. 早年,42岁(1), 16-19.
  • 坎波斯. D. (2021). Jane Goodall and social studies: Children’s literature and questions to explore her inspiring life’s work. Social Studies and the Young Learner, 33(3), 9-16.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2021). Navigating gender nonconformity: Exploring boy stereotypes through picture books. 《澳门博彩官网下载》,38页(4), 48-50.
  • 时尚,K. M., & 坎波斯,D. (2020). Structuring the environment for young children with autism: Practical ideas for the classroom. 早年,41岁(3), 14-17.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2019). Windows and mirrors: Latino picture books for classroom libraries. 早年,40岁(2), 21-24.
  • 坎波斯,D., & 努森,E. (2019). Using film to expand horizons. 教育al Leadership, 76(4), 73-78.
  • 坎波斯,D., & 时尚,K. (2018). 5 Steps to individualized writing instruction. ASCD Express, 14(5).
  • 坎波斯,D. (2018). The essentials of welcoming classroom for English language learners. ASCD投入服务
  • 坎波斯,D. (2018). An instructional approach to exploring poverty and immigration: Three children’s books that pack a punch. 十字路口,2(1), 34-44.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2018). Understanding transgender students. Helping transgender students feel accepted starts with understanding. American School Board Journal, 3(205), 52.
  • 佩雷斯,K.A., & 坎波斯,D. (2018). Recommendations for treating Latinos in Travis County. 中医杂志,64(2), 22-23.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2018). Honoring the voice of Clementine Hunter: A guide for comprehensible and relevant lessons. Black 历史 Bulletin, 81(1), 23-28.
  • 坎波斯,D., & 德尔珈朵,R. (2017). How principals can help teachers of ELLs. Principal Leadership, 18(10), 22-23.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2017). Battling the bullying of LGBT students. 社会教育,81(5), 288-295.
  • 坎波斯,D., & 摩尔,米.R. (2017). The lasting effects of the UT Austin tower Massacre. 在米.R. 摩尔和C. Sabo-Risley (Eds), Play in American life: Essays in honor of Joe L. 霜. Bloomington, IN: Archway Publishing.
  • 小学数学1-8
  • Elementary Self-Contained 1-8
  • Survey of 学生 in Diverse and Inclusive Settings
  • Advocacy for Exceptional Learners
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching
  • Foundations of 教育
  • Teaching Children in the Intermediate Grades
  • Teaching Children in the Primary Grades
  • Teaching 学生 with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
LGBTQ youth, the schooling of Latino children, English learners and childhood wellness.
  • Américas Award Committee, 2019 Chair
  • White House Initiative on 教育al Excellence for Hispanics, Washington, DC, Invited Discussant
  • Evaluation of program instructional delivery in school districts in Florida, 德州, 和维吉尼亚州, 团队成员
  • 时尚,K.M., & 坎波斯,D. (2021). Lonely kids in a connected world: What teachers can do. Eugene, OR: Ancora Publishing.
  • 坎波斯,D., & 努森,E. (2020). Cultivating creativity through world films: Exploring cinematic narratives featuring child protagonists. 兰哈姆,医学博士:罗曼 & 李特佛尔德.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2016). Learning from Latino role models! Inspiring students through biographies, instructional activities, and creative learning. 兰哈姆,医学博士:罗曼 & 李特佛尔德.
  • 坎波斯,D., & 时尚,K. (2014). Tools for teaching writing; Strategies and interventions for diverse learners in grades 3-8. 亚历山大,弗吉尼亚州:ASCD.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2013). Educating Latino boys: An asset-based approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
  • 坎波斯,D.德尔加多,R., & 韦尔塔,M.E. (2011). Reaching out to Latino families of English language learners. 亚历山大,弗吉尼亚州:ASCD.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2011). 快速启动健康! Practical ideas to promote wellness in kids of all ages. New York: Teachers College Press.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2007). Expanding waistlines: An educator’s guide to childhood obesity. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2005). Understanding gay and lesbian youth: Lessons for straight school teachers, 管理员, 和校长. 兰哈姆,医学博士:罗曼 & 李特佛尔德 Publishers, Inc.
  • 麦康奈尔K.坎波斯,D., & 《突袭,G. (2005). Practical ideas that really work for English language learners (Evaluation Form and Resource Manual). 奥斯汀,德克萨斯州:支持教育.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2003). Diverse sexuality and schools. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Publishing.
  • 坎波斯,D. (2002). Sex, youth, and sex education. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO Publishing.